Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sick Kiddo's

This always happens when my husband travels, the girls get sick. Kaitlin was up all night with a fever. She just kept crying and crying. I felt so bad there was nothing I could do to make her comfy. Gave her some Motrin and luke warm baths so to try and break the fever but I couldn't get it under 102. Today was long since I was up all night. Since Kailtin was sick, Madison too had to act sick, but then she ended up get a fever later in the day also. We needed to go to the store to get more Motrin, but Kaitlin didn't want to go. She told me that she could stay home with Siris ( the dog) that he could watch her. I finally had to bribe her with getting a toy just to get her dressed and in the car. We ended up with an elephant humidifier and 2 scary dolls for the girls. I will have to post these scary dolls that Madison is obsessed with. I guess they are from a book series for teens called Monster High, they are a little scary for a 4 year to be playing with but oh well, whatever makes my babies happy. Hopefully they will be feeling better in the morning, hopefully they sleep all night because I could really use some sleep myself.

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