Monday, January 24, 2011

The Lost Saint

4 Stars
From the back cover: A family destroyed. A love threatened. An enemy returns. Grace Divine made the ultimate sacrifice to cure Daniel Kalbi. She was infected with he werewolf curse while trying to save him, and lost her beloved brother in the process.

Desperate to find Jude, Grace befriends Talbot, a newcomer to town. But as the two grow closer, Grace's relationship with Daniel is put in danger -- in more ways than one. Unaware of the dark path she is walking, Grace begins to give into the wolf inside of her -- not realizing that an enemy has returned and a deadly trap is about to be sprung.

My thoughts...Daniel and Grace's relationship is going great. Daniel is training Grace on how to use her new found abilities and teaching her the balance those abilities so that the wolf doesn't have too much power over Grace. Life is starting to get back into a normal pattern for every one. Grace's Dad is constantly gone following up on leads to where Jude might be. Grace's Mother is not taking well that Jude ran away, so she is either completely withdrawn ignoring the whole family or being a hyper protective parent involved in everything, this changes on a daily basis. But Daniel starts to be secretive and seems to be pulling away from Grace. Which in turn sends Grace running to Talbot for help....then the trouble all begins.

A couple of things that bug me, I know this is a young adult/teen read so this might just be my age speaking but it bothers me how fast Grace runs off to Talbot, It was a week maybe of Daniel being secretive, and all Daniel said was that he just need a little time and he would explain everything to her. But the first chance she gets she is off with another boy, and keeping just as many secrets from Daniel as he is keeping from her, I thought Daniel and Grace loved each other. The other part that bothered me as well was that when Daniel became secretive it was very abrupt and mean to Grace, if he needed a little time that is all he should of said. But I guess that is teenagers for you.

I can't wait for the third book to come out and see what happens next.

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